Monday, November 16, 2015

Ellis' Birth - Part 3

I'm finally getting around to the third part of the birth story. This part is the best part because God did heal my wounds.

A couple weeks after Ellis was in my bedroom trying to nap. Ellis was sleeping soundly in the bassinet next to the bed. I could not sleep so I decided to listen to some music instead. A few friends had posted a song on facebook and I decided to listen to it. It was called "No Longer Slaves".

The song took me by surprise. I felt like it had been written for me for that very moment.

From my Mothers womb
You have chosen me
Love has called my name
I’ve been born again, into your family
Your blood flows through my veins

I’m no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God

I looked over at Ellis and thought, "He is my child, I would not want any hurt or harm to come to him." I would do anything to keep Ellis from pain. I would only allow pain to come to him if it was for his benefit. Ellis did not have any reason to fear. I was there to protect and care for him.

In that moment I understood. God sees me the same way. I am His child. My Heavenly Father is watching out for me and protecting me. I have no reason to fear.

By the end of the song the fear was gone and His peace returned. I knew I was safe. I knew that even though what I had just been through was really difficult, He was there to help me and take care of me in the future. My spirit could join in singing the next part of the song.

You split the sea, so I could walk right through it
All my fears were drowned in perfect love 
You rescued me, so I could stand and sing 
I am a child of God

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